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Sunday 29 March 2015

The Duke and Cape Arid

Today we arrived at the Duke, the first thing we did was the Park!

It had a twirly slide that was really fun and it had really cool swings that were cut out of tyres.

Later that day we went to the Bay near the Duke, it was really nice and fun. 

Thursday we went to little Wharton beach and did four wheel driving on the rocks.

Then we went sand boarding on sand dunes right on the beach.

Friday we went sand boarding on the really steep dunes, they were so steep we say down and we put our hands downs and it still went really fast.

We also went to the Bay near it, there were really cool big rocks so dad and I climbed them.

On Saturday we went to the free camp at Cape Arid.  When we got there we walked on the rocks, there were little pools in the rocks

Then we went back and played on our ipads.

On Monday we drove into town and bought some lollies at the shop.

Then we drove back to Cape Arid and Dad, Caleb and I got ready to go to the rocks.

We walked to the rocks on the beach, got on them and walked across.  We saw lots of crabs under the rocks.

We walked a bit more then Caleb and I jumped around the rocks.

Caleb then said he wanted to walk the 3 kilometre walk, I said OK so we kept walking.

 When we got to the top we figured out that we went down the wrong track and there was a sign saying danger Don't go that way.  We went and Caleb nearly cried when he looked down, we got to the beach and played for a little bit then we walked back the right way, we saw lots of lizards, snakes and kangaroos.  Some of the kangaroos were on the rocks.

Then we got back to the beach and met mum there with our bikes and shoes, we walked back to camp then we played our I-pads.

Tuesday we drove to the beach, the track to it was very corrugated - when I open my door I stood on a shell, it was a really big spiky shell.  Then dad and I went to play on the rocks, we had lunch and walked to the other really big rocks, we had to walk through lots of seaweed to get there.

There were lots of shells on the rocks when we walked back.  We played a bit more then we went to the Condingup Tavern.  We had a game of pool, then our food came and we ate.  I had a cheeseburger, they have very nice burgers there, when we finished eating we went home.

Thursday we drove across the beaches in Cape Arid with a friend.  We saw Emu's walking in the bush.

We saw an island you could walk to from the beach, it was really cool.  We also found a Bay that had lots of shells on the sand.  They went really deep into the ground, it was fun seeing all the nice shells.

Then we stopped at a Bay and I played on the sand building a table and chairs.  We played on the hills then went for a swim, it was a really fun day and we were really tired.

Tomorrow we are going to a sheep station, I will let you know what happens.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Hi everyone thanks for following my blog.

Yesterday we went to hellfire bay for the last time, Caleb and I played our ipads in the car.

When we got to hellfire bay we found a really big crab on the rock trapped in a fishing line.
dad picked it up and  it pinched him,he put it in the water next to the rocks so it could cool down.
then we walked to the other side of the beach and climbed the big mountain. 
Then we went back to the other side and played a little bit.
Then we had to leave so we got dressed at the car then went.

We drove to the other beach and drove along it on the way we saw a dolphin
washed up on shore we got out to rescue it but it was to late.
we drove across the rest of the beach and got onto the road.
when we got to the van we played ipads for a bit then we went to bed.

dont forget to look at our youtube channel Roving reeves thanks.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Friday,Saturday and Sunday.
Friday was to hot we stayed in the van all day and just had a lazy day so there's nothing to write about.
Saturday:Today we went to the Hellfire beach and played on the rocks and swam in the ocean.
Then I wanted to dig a hole so I dug a hole then i sat in it and Mum and Caleb came over and buried me in it.
We found Jellyfish and Crabs and the sand was so fine it would squeak.
We played on the rocks a bit more and then we went.
When we  got to the top we saw a humungous lizard called a Racehorse goanna Caleb and I stayed there for a while.

Sunday:Today there was a huge storm we stayed inside all day like friday
i played my ipad most of the time.
Then I met  a family next to us they were very nice.
Then i went back to the van and played my ipad and then I rode my bike.
Then Caleb and I watched Starwars then we went to bed.

Thursday 12 March 2015

My first Blog Post

Hi my name is Oliver, welcome to my Blog.

My family and I are travelling around Australia, in the last week we have been to:

Wagin to see the big ram,it was very big.

The wave rock was very cool we climbed up it and walked across it.

We found lots of little puddles on the top they had little fish in them,they looked like mud kippers.

There was a big pile of rocks at the top so we walked up there ,there were little holes in them.
Then we walked down the wave and went back to camp.
The next day we went to the hippos yawn it was a 1km walk we found lots of signs telling us about the place.
when we got to the hippos yawn we walked inside it then dad and I climbed up it

we climbed down out of the mouth of the hippo then we walked back.
The next day we arrived at the four mile beach we went to the beach and played on the
rocks there were crabs in the cracks of  them, we played in the water for a little then we went back and
rode our bikes for the rest of the time.
Then we drove to esparence when we arrived i went to the park and played there for a long
time then we went back and rode our bike then we went to bed.When we woke up we did our work
and i wrote this blog post.